Saturday, November 30, 2024

Gift Giving Guide 22: Ideas for Your Favorite Anthropologists/Anthropology Interested Persons

Biannually I dedicate blog posts to the presentation of gifts that may be suitable for anthropologists or individuals interested in anthropology (any and all subfields).  As we are nearing the end of the traditional semester and quickly approaching graduation season it seems appropriate to dedicate a post to this very topic.  Below are some of the latest additions to the list of gift ideas that may be appropriate for your anthropologically interested person.



Do you dig an archaeologist or an individual interested in archaeology?  (Get it?!)  If you are in the northern hemisphere then the archaeologists are more than likely working in the lab as the weather conditions may not be favorable for more extensive fieldwork.  An archaeological themed mug with a bit of humor may be what you need!  This one from MeteorcatMugs is an excellent option.

Cultural Anthropology

Cultural anthropologists study modern cultures, specifically the people and their belief systems, norms, values, behaviors, and more.  While there are various types of gift options for these anthropologists one thing is certain: they often have to wear something before going out into the field and while out in it.  This unisex and customizable shirt may be an optimal option, particularly as it features several of the important anthropological theorists who have helped shape this anthropological subfield.  You can purchase it through Revise and Resubmit.

Biological Anthropology

Biological anthropology is the broadest of the four subfields, meaning there are numerous gifting options for anyone with an interest in biological anthropology.  Despite this we suggest socks.  Why?  Because who does not like socks?  Even if they do not like socks they may need them, so these funky unisex Neanderthal socks will keep the giftee's feet warm while they look smart, like our Neanderthal ancestors.  These are available through Historical Socks

Linguistic Anthropology

Language and culture are the jams of linguistic anthropologists.  There are various ways that these anthropologists can and do conduct their studies, be it transcribing recordings or conducting interviews in the field.  While this gift idea is not conducive to all aspects of linguistic anthropological work this IPA themed blanket might be something cozy and warm for them to curl up in.  This blanket can be customized (color wise) to meet the needs of the linguistic anthropologist while they work-be it while they listen, transcribe, or think.  It is available through VT Stuttering Therapy.

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