Thursday, October 17, 2013

Paleoanthropology News

Because paleoanthropology is always controversial:


Unknown said...

I would theorize that humans evolved with different features in different geographical locations. That we as a human species were not limited to just Africa after the migration of our species and that we evolved in separate ways depending on geographical areas. This brings up another interesting point, after migrating to other parts of EuroAsia did we migrate back into Africa and breed with the local hominid population there? And did this result in evolutionary changes?

Hannah Little said...

I feel like this species is just one of many of the time period, and there is so much that we have yet to find. I think it's right to be wary of labeling the Dmanisi species as the one true ancestor behind Neanderthals and us.

Unknown said...

I think that theres so many things that we have yet to discover and we'll discover those things when it's time to. It's hard to believe that we've discovered every species because our world is way too complex for that specifically.