Saturday, May 25, 2013

Anthropology in the News

A sad day for Maya archaeologists: Mayan Ruins Bulldozed for Road Construction Purposes

Any ladies up to having a Neanderthal baby?  C-section strongly suggested: Neanderthal baby clone may be imminent

Minoan Mystery Solved!  And it wasn't by Sherlock Holmes: Minoan & European Links

Shakespearean fans rejoice: The King has been found!  King Richard III Discovered!


Logan Daily said...

How can things like the bulldozing of the Mayan ruins happen. That is so appalling. They destroyed such an important, beautiful landmark for road scrap.. WHAT! You have got to be kidding me!

Dr. Christine Elisabeth Boston said...

I think I speak for most anthropologists when I say, "I wish we were kidding". Unfortunately, there is no joking about this matter. Criminal charges may be laid, but no information on that front has been published at this time.

Unknown said...

What is the social economic result of having a cloned Neanderthal baby? If they do successfully clone the baby, it will be the only one of its kind. Also, what old or new diseases will arise? This adds to the problem of how do you raise a Neanderthal baby? Norman human babies are wonderful at 2 yrs old right? How do you teach him/her cultural norms for his/her race? This raises more questions than it answers and should be left alone.

Amber Mang said...

Quite sadly, just as the article stated, it is not the first time that construction companies or big corporations have seen pieces of land as just that: land. They cannot see the significance in the land, thus, blinded by their own profitability. This article reminded me of my mother's home in Hawaii and the negativity that Honolulu has encountered because of the tourism. Although this is quite inevitable, its a shame to see that a place with such beauty has been turned into "concrete beach". The Mayan pyramid could have been because of the lack of knowledge, or just because the company just didn't care. Either way, another prime example that our history is being destroyed, just as quickly as we stumble upon it.

Anonymous said...

The Mayan ruins being destroyed for a road... it's completely heartbreaking. How could something so rich in cultural value just be thrown away like that? It's sickening.

Dr. Christine Elisabeth Boston said...

Each culture views its past differently, as well as different culture's past differently. Look at what we (as Americans) have done to several parts of our own (American) past, as well as the past of various indigenous groups that have and continue to exist in this geographical space we now occupy.

Unknown said...

It's sad to see important structures destroyed like this. They easily could have gotten he stone form another source.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how someone can be so disrespectful.

Steven Benton said...

Its hard to see great monuments being destroyed in our own country by or own people including the Kingdome in Seattle, Washington, Metrodome in Minneapolis, and New York Stadium in New York. I know these are only sites for baseball fans but there still monuments that wont be forgotten by baseball fans. Because like the Mayan ruins it relates due to other building being built on the land or roads.

Anonymous said...

Tiffany Heavens
- I was only able to open the first and last link. With what I read about the Mayans I feel should not have happened and the charges should go for them. It is also very disrespectful for the people who buried King Richard III to bury him like that

Anonymous said...

Wow, it's really a shame that somebody would destroy such a beautiful and in my opinion important landmark just to make a new road. Some people have no respect for other peoples culture or history.

-Monique McAllister

Unknown said...

It's so sad to see something so historical and important to our world to be bulldozed for our own selfish reasoning.

Anonymous said...

Even though my ancestors were not Mayans, I take great pride in all their historical sites they have left us to explore here on this Earth. And seriously, how was that by accident? Could they not tell the differences between that and a normal rock cliff?
--Kimberly Wilbers

Dr. Christine Elisabeth Boston said...

Yes, archaeologists can identify differences in worked versus unworked land. :)

Apreshana Page said...

It's sad to hear about something so historical to be destroyed when there's many other resources to get them from. It's like it is only wrong when it affect you or your own culture people have little consideration for other people.

Anonymous said...

Akwila Cooks
I don't think that it is okay to destroy history because history is why we are here today and history repeats itself. Not all history is happy but we should love to know and see where we came from. No one history should be destroy or taken away but it happens.

Chyann Taylor said...

kinda weird, a mix bag of comedy and tragedy. Oh and drama because of Shakespeare, but in all seriousness the dismantling of Mayan ruins just sucks and someone should be held accountable. I don't see a need to clone neanderthal because were superior that would be digressing not progressing.

Jasmine Busby said...

Goes to show how much people cared about the mayans culture. Why removed their area like that?
-jasmine busby

Justin Mitchell said...

Wow. I don't see how someone can destroy something so historical just to make find material for a road. I'm pretty sure there were other solutions. People are so ignorant!