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Artistic Depiction of a Dybbuk |
The notion of Dybbuks has been brought to the general public’s attention through a variety of movies (e.g. The Dybbuk in 1937 and The Possession in 2012) and television shows (e.g. Paranormal Witness: The Dybbuk Box). These popular depictions of the Dybbuk provide a negative and scary presentation of the Dybbuk, but is this imagery accurate? Today’s blog post is dedicated to explaining what the Dybbuk is and how it relates to the Jewish faith.
Dybbuks are simply evil spirits who take possession of living bodies. The notion of the Dybbuk came about in the 8th century, although it was not recorded in the written literature until the 17th century. Reports about what specifically a Dybbuk is does vary. Some sources claim the evil spirit is that of a demon, whereas most sources identify the Dybbuk as the soul of a sinner who is not allowed to enter Heaven. Dybbuks enter into the bodies of living sinners or troubled individuals as a means of atoning for their past infractions by attempting to relive the life they had previously. An individual possessed by a Dybbuk, however, often begins to act strangely out of torment from unauthorized occupation by the evil spirit, but there are cases where individuals may not know that they have been possessed for some time. Once the Dybbuk is discovered a Rabbi is contacted to perform rites to remove the unwanted entity from the living individual.
The notion of Dybbuks is attached to the Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism. The Kabbalah was orally passed down for centuries before being written down during the Middle Ages. The Kabbalah is the source of Jewish legends and supernatural occurrences, such as the creation of a golem (a clay man) and conversation between Rabbis, God, and angels. The tales of Dybbuks did not enter into the Kabbalah literature until later, so the exact origins of Dybbuks and their relationship to the Jewish faith is unknown at this time.
In conclusion, Dybbuks are considered part of Jewish mysticism and legends, although some individuals (Jewish and non-Jewish) strongly believe in the notion of Dybbuks. These evil spirits possess the bodies of the living in order to atone for past sins, although their pathway does not lead to positive outcomes. The fascination with these entities, however, continues.
The American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise. 2013.
“Dibbuk (Dybbuk).” Encyclopedia
Judaica. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/judaica/ejud_0002_0005_0_05197.html
Faierstein, MM.
2010. “Possession and
Exorcism.” The Yivo Encyclopedia of Jews
in Eastern Europe. http://www.yivoencyclopedia.org/article.aspx/Possession_and_Exorcism
M. 2015.
“Day 31: Dybbuks, the Possessing Spirits.” 36 Days of Judaic Myth. http://www.matthewkressel.net/2015/10/08/36-days-of-judaic-myth-day-31-dybbuks-the-possessing-spirits/
No Author. No
Date. “Dybbuk.” New World Encyclopedia. http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Dybbuk
T.R. 2011. Kabbalah and Jewish
Mysticism. Judaism 101. http://www.jewfaq.org/kabbalah.htm
Kressel, M. 2015. “Day 31: Dybbuks, the Possessing Spirits.” 36 Days of Judaic Myth. http://www.matthewkressel.net/2015/10/08/36-days-of-judaic-myth-day-31-dybbuks-the-possessing-spirits/
No Author. No
Date. “Dybbuk.” New World Encyclopedia. http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Dybbuk
Thanks Dr. Boston - I have researched Jewish mysticism, Dybbuks/Dibbuks and the Hebrew language to understand the concept of the Dibbuk for my book "The Dibbuk Box" website: www.dibbukbox.com . I think you covered the concept in a nice concise description. Kindly yours - Jason Haxton Author: The Dibbuk Box
ReplyDeleteThank you, Mr. Haxton. It is nice to know that my research and work was accurate. :)
Deleteyeahhh that's super creepy
DeleteWhy do you think it's creepy, Adriana? Was there something in particular about the dybbuks or their myth that struck you as odd?
ReplyDeleteI found out that the evil spirit called dybbuk is a Demond that can not enter heaven because it is a soul of a sinner. Also what's interesting about this is it can enter the human body and take over a possession in any moment. The Kabbalah is the source for rabbis gods and angles as well and what I found fascinating is that the dybbuks didn't enter in the Kabbalah literature until later so the exact time frame for the orgin of dybbuks is unknown at this moment today of relation to the Jewish. Thank you for sharing this blog because I have learned and will take this on in life about the dybbuks/dibbuks and the Kabbalah. -Allegra Terrel
ReplyDeleteI found out that the evil spirits that come and take over sinners souls are called Dybbuk and was actually founded around the 8th century but recorded in the 17th century. I also found out that some individuals you can not tell if they have been possessed. When found out they have been possessed they form a Rabbi which is to perform rites to remove the unwanted Demond from the individual.
ReplyDeleteThese kind of remind me of the dementors or lord voldermort off of Harry Potter. In the way that they are spirits and enter someones bodies and take control of them. Also kind of reminds me of the movies where people are possessed and they have to bring in a certain pastor to try and get the spirit out of the body. This is interesting because they were first mentioned in the Kabbalah which involved Jewish mysticism.
ReplyDeleteThough, I know there was possession back in biblical times, I didn't know that these possessions were called Dybbuks. I think it's interesting to learn about other cultures that are unlike my own. Though I've studied the Israeli culture, I haven't heard of this. One day I would like to visit Israel and parts of the middle east. This article interested me enough to want to read more about the Dybbuks. Thank you, Dr. Boston!
I find this article to be very informative and interesting. It is my first time hearing about the evil spirit "Dybbuks" I came to understand that this evil spirit can affect anyone regardless of their age and gender. What i find fascinating about this article is that you can be possessed by "Dybbuks" and not aware of it.
ReplyDeleteMy first time examining an article along these lines. I watch this article to be exceptionally informational and interesting. Getting some answers concerning the detestable soul "Dybbuks" I came to handle that this naughty soul can affect anybody paying little identity to their age and sexual presentation. It's insane how you can be controlled by the fallen angel.
ReplyDeleteA Dybbuk is an evil spirit atoning for sins? How would people be able to tell a person is possessed then? They could just be doing a good deed.
ReplyDeleteBetsy Britt
Introduction to Anthropology SA-202
As noted in the above blog post, Betsy, "An individual possessed by a Dybbuk...often begins to act strangely out of torment from unauthorized occupation by the evil spirit". Therefore any odd or strange behavior as deemed by the observer would be grounds to investigate a Dybbuk possession.
DeleteAs i read this post, it reminded me of something that i had seen on the exorcist. I have never been the one to believe in demons or the supernatural. They say the "Dybbuks" is a demon that takes over someones living body. Im not saying its not real, because there are alot of evil people out here, but to say that there is an evil spirit in them feels kinda far fetched to me but thats just my opinion.
ReplyDeleteI understand that there are evil spirit that possess human bodies, i also have he notion that evil spirit belong to hill and not heaven. Dybbuk as an evil can be controlled with God
ReplyDeleteFrom the eighth century to the 17th did the procedure that the rabbi would do to cure the person cost?
ReplyDeleteI did not see anything in my research regarding Rabbis charging anything for their services.
DeleteI've never heard of Dybbuk until reading this article. I love reading about possession. Would you say this is similar to the exorcist?
ReplyDelete-Aaliyah Caldwell
I am not sure what you're asking, Aaliyah. Dybbuks are demons or spirits that inhabit a body without permission, which is what Christians refer to as possession. Both require an exorcising ritual to remove the entity from the host. The exorcist is what the individual leading the ritual would be called if he was Catholic, which is why the famous movie was called that. Did that cover your question?
DeleteWhat I got from this is its pretty much a possession. But this stuff is really interesting on how it also has a form of possessing’s I wonder how many religions have this in common and I always thought the Jewish faith didn’t believe in an afterlife so I assumed that they only thought god was on that plan of existence if that makes any sense but know I know a little more about their religion.
ReplyDeleteBefore today I had never heard of Dybbuks but they seem like something that I would enjoy reading into more and researching thank you posting this article.
ReplyDeleteI never heard the term Dybbuks but I know that it further in to possessions than what I see on TV but I'm still not a firm believer of the whole concept
ReplyDeleteI have literally never heard of Dybbuks until reading this. It's very intriguing to read about though. I don't quite understand something though, are there intentions good but when they possess the individual, they still are bound to be doomed? That's what I'm getting out of the read.
ReplyDeleteIt was rather unclear in the literature that I read, but from my understanding is ultimately the Dybbuk leads to unfortunate outcomes and intentions are therefore irrelevant.
DeleteI had heard of possessions before but I'd never heard of Dybbuks. They kind of sound like they'e basically the same thing though or at least very similar. Is that right? - Shannon
DeleteThis blog on the Dybbuks just reminded me on this scary movie I watched on Netflix that was talking about Dybbuks. In the movie the Dybbuks took possessions of dead twins which was the only way they could come back among the living.
ReplyDeleteI'm not into the whole spirit possessions readings but this did teach me quite a few things. I always thought spirit possessions was scary so I didn't really try to learn to much about it. I didn't know many names of these possessed spirits until reading this article which was new to me.
ReplyDeleteDybbuks is something new to me but they seem like some form of possession to me. Even thought possession usually has an "evil" tag attached to it the article made it seem like that really wasn't the case with Dybbuks.
ReplyDelete- Arthur Holloway
Once again exorcism and possession has always interested me but the Dybbuks is something i have never heard of and definitely something that i want o look more in to.
ReplyDeleteThis is the first I am hearing of the Dybbuks. To me it seems that is is just a religious justification for someone acting out of the norm or being considered a bad seed or possibly even epileptic.
ReplyDeleteThis is a very interesting article. Ive always heard more of the exorcism side of things. I do believe in spirits that come back and protect their grounds. Is another word for Rabbi considered like a preacher that comes in with the candles and and reads a certain phrase out of the bible to bring the spirit out of the person. Could schizophrenia be another way of dybbuks?
ReplyDeleteSchizophrenia could be an explanation as several mental illnesses have been attributed to various paranormal explanations in many cultures. :)
DeleteI just learned that Dybbuks are simply evil spirits who take possession of living bodies.
ReplyDeleteI know that there are evil spirit that possess human bodies.
ReplyDeleteTiffany Heavens
ReplyDelete- I have not heard of Dybbuk until I read this post but I am glad I chose to read this because it enlighten me about the jewish beliefs.
This is the first time I have heard anything about a evil spirit called "Dybbuk". This was great information and I will do more research on it. I find supernatural things interesting.
ReplyDeleteI've heard about the Dybbuks in one of my classes. I thought it was a little creepy at first. Some of the facts i actual read about the Dybbuks i found very interesting.
ReplyDelete-Daisha Benton
This article is very similar to the other article which was about spirit possessions. I was not aware that these spirits are referred to as Dybbuks.
ReplyDeleteI'd never even hear of a Dybbuk before I read this article, in the picture it depicts it as a skeleton, but what is it most often depicted as? Also, what do most people define as a Dybbuk, is it a demon, or the soul of a sinner?
ReplyDeleteArtistic depictions will vary given what type of entity we are referring to here, and the preference on calling it a demon or a soul is dependent on the person. :)
DeleteWhenever I would act up as a kid, my paternal grandmother would always threaten to beat the Dybbuk out of me. Not knowing what it was, she showed me multiple stories about them about let me just say I was not able to sleep very well that night.
ReplyDeleteAmber Barnes
ReplyDeleteSo the Dybukkuk is basically like a ghost that possesses people, right? Also I think it is interesting on how much we did not know about this demon before if was placed in the movies!
This was very disturbing. It made me think of the devil and how anyone who worships him is not allowed in heaven. Maybe it is kind of the same thing but just a different name for it? Or is this just a myth?
ReplyDelete-Apreshana Page
I have heard of possessions but not Dybbuks. I'm wondering where the name originated from or if it is different than regular possession.
ReplyDeleteWith me being so into the bible I am aware of possession but try not to pay attention to it because of how horrible and degrading it is. Although this was an interesting article.
ReplyDelete-Anthony Townsend
It is my first time hearing about the evil spirit "Dybbuks" I came to understand that this evil spirit can affect anyone regardless of their age and gender. This is not something I'm really into. I found the article, informative.
ReplyDeleteI have never heard of Dybbuks before.This blog is very similar to the other article which was about spirit possessions. I was not aware that these spirits are referred to as Dybbuks. Very interesting article overall
ReplyDelete-Micah Seals
I also enjoy reading about the dark side of religious beliefs. I am surprised that I have not heard of this before being that there was a possession movie based on this and I am a huge fan of possession/exorcism movies. one question that probably can not be answered is for the Dybbuks who are souls that can't get into heaven and possesses those on earth, do you think it's possible for that Dybbuk to turn their life around and better themselves in order to reach heaven or are they doomed forever? just something I thought about.
ReplyDeleteI have never heard of Dybbunks before. This is similar to like spirit possessions.
ReplyDeleteI had heard of possessions before but I'd never heard of Dybbuks. However, it was interesting learning about Jewsih beliefs.
ReplyDelete-Kyla Thomas
Possessions sound familiar but not Dybbuks, are they the same thing as low vibrant spirits? meaning like they are meant to keep you down or in bad times?
ReplyDeleteChristopher McFadden
I never knew that a dybbuk is an evil spirit who takes possession of living people. It's interesting that they are believed to enter the bodies of living sinners or troubled people.
ReplyDeleteElaine christopher