Thursday, July 25, 2013

Why Study Humanities and Social Science

The Heart of the Matter

This movie was created by the American Academy of Arts & Sciences and speaks to the importance of the study of Humanities and Social Sciences disciplines.  Right now, funding for these disciplines is being cut, and this video critically evaluates the value of these funding cuts and their long term consequences.  It also demonstrates why everyone, even those with just a cursory interest in the Humanities and Social Sciences, should study some of these disciplines and the utility of them.  


  1. This film basically asks the question If we did not dream of a better way to do things where would we be? Would we be human? What has happened so kids of our generations do not tinker with ideas? We have gone wrong when we as a people do not want to learn from our past achievements or failures

  2. I am extremely surprised that this video has not been shown to many of the politicians who hold an office seat. What better way can we understand not only religion, but politics, why people vote the way they do and furthermore, terrorist attacks. I have always been intrigued on why things work, rather than how. I like to investigate, look at different angles and really figure out the different part of things, rather than looking at the first layer of something. It is much more interesting to learn why someone is brought to the level of wanting to commit a terrorist attack, rather than how. We as a country would be so much better off by trying to understand why these things happen, versus why. We may even be able to better predict events like this, rather than depend on how we will return the favor of destruction.

  3. As a stem major I believe that a balance must be maintained between the two. Without the humanities there would be no point to technical achievement.

  4. Wow. This short film was not only conscise in capturing the spirit of the importance of the study of humanities, but also quite captivating.

    The arguments in favor of the study of humanities hold a resounding impact on me as someone who tends to identify as a "realist" (read as: someone disillusioned by the prospects of my academic pursuit). The re-iterated inherent importance of knowledge about human nature within public policy gives me a sense of hope and purpose. Continued education in the humanities, though perhaps not apparently 'practically applicable' gives us all a richer human experience.

  5. Why is it so important to have a balance within our world? I understand why we have a balance in our worl but I don't understand where it came from and why world has to opperate off of balance.


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